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Get Started

Step 1: Install the SDK

# or any package manager you are using, e.g. npm/pnpm
yarn add @perfsee/package -D

Step 2: Create Benchmark files (optional)

Create a file named test.bench.js under the project.

const Benchmark = require('@perfsee/package')

Benchmark('foo', () => {

Benchmark('bar', [
test: () => {
options: { name: 'baz' },
test: async () => {
await setup()
return () => {
options: { name: 'quz with async setup' },

More about benchmark api, please refer to Benchmark API.

Step 3: Analyze and upload (ONLY on CI)

Before analysis, it's necessary to create a perfsee project and apply API Token on the Token Management page.

PERFSEE_TOKEN=<your-token> npx @perfsee/package <path-to-package> --project=<perfsee-project-id>

If there are benchmark files named xxx.{bench,benchmark}.{js,ts}(by default), this command will run benchmarks before uploading.

On CI environment, the result will be uploaded to the platform. Otherwise, results will be shown in a html page.

Cli Options


Id of your perfsee project on the platform.


By default, the default export is used for calculating sizes. Setting this option allows calculation of package stats based on more granular top-level exports.

minifier: 'esbuild' | 'terser'

default: 'esbuild'

ESbuild is faster, albeit with marginally larger file sizes.

target: 'browser' | 'node'

default: 'node'

If target is browser, benchmarks will be bundled and run in headless chrome (on server if in CI environment).


default: '*.{bench|benchmark}.{js|ts}'

Glob pattern to find benchmark files.


Timeout for benchmark running. Unit: sec.

Step 4: View the report

When the analysis finished, we will automatically generate a report link. It will show the result of your package after a while. For more details, please refer to Report Details.